It’s weird what you remember. I have forgotten the details of
birthdays, can’t remember my first trip to a zoo or family holidays, I’ve even
forgotten the names of all my pets (though I had 13 guinea pigs when I was
younger so that’s at least partly excusable). Buried deep in my head though, is
a wealth of useless information that for some reason my brain has chosen to
priorities. The words to the theme tunes to The Racoons, and Gladiators. The dance
moves to the Macarena and how to romp through Buster Busts Loose in one
sitting. The first two of these is great: Being able to tell people that a
Gladiator needs to have ‘the speed, the strength, the heart to be a winner’
always fills a quiet moments in the office and who doesn’t love to rock out to the
Macarena at parties. The last of these perfect recalls though is frustrating to
I think I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog that I love
cartoons – even now; from Peppa Pig to
Tron Uprsing. One of my favourite afters
school shows was Tiny Toon Adventures, which for the ill-informed was a
collection of madcap adventures featuring younger versions of the original
Warner Brothers favourites. From what I remember the cartoon, was an equal mix
of wink-wink nudge-nudge jokes, film parodies, a wash with lurid child
appealing colours and relentless energy. The game on the SNES followed the same
logic, a side scrolling platformer, gorgeously colourful and built around a
frantic dash mechanic. Each level parodies a different film genre, be it cowboy
or horror. This gives a
This is the type of joke I still giggle at now! |
flimsy excuse as to why Buster Bunny (Bugs’ distant
second nephew twice removed) can start of in his school but end up fighting a
Darth Vader a-like Plucky Duck (wink-wink nudge-nudge ) in a Space Station. I
remember reading in Super Play how well received it had been, particularly in
Japan where evidently Hamton (Porky Pigs’ aunts’ step-brother’s best friend’s
neighbour) and Dizzy Devil (Taz’s long-lost lodger’s sister’s nephew) were
massively popular. Magazine scores and global reception didn’t matter too much
to me though, there was no question that I wouldn’t want one of my favourite
cartoons in game form.
Clearly I played this game a lot in my childhood, not that I
really remember any specific night spent playing until the early hours. The
evidence that I wasted my youth playing a
Why do I remember instinctively that these are here? |
game is locked in my muscle memory
and my self-conscious. Playing the game
now, was a pretty depressing experience. Depressing because I was so excited
about returning to a childhood favourite again, yet I finished it in one
sitting. Not that it’s an easy game; it’s just that I knew it to well even if I
can’t remember playing it. Without thinking too much I knew where every off
screen bonus was hidden, the route through maze levels and even the text to cut
screens. The game has a great diverse
range of boss fights, that all behave uniquely
and all need be approached in a different way.
This didn’t matter I somehow
knew how to beat them. In some cases, without
taking any damage at all and even knowing where to stand to avoid harm.
Initially, I thought perhaps it was just an easy game. This belief evaporated
when I checked ‘Lets Play’ videos on YouTube and saw new players struggling on
the things I breezed through. I notched
the game up to hard mode, which true to its name proved a bigger challenge. But
by then (having played it through once) I just couldn’t face giving up the
couple of hours needed to finish it – the ending is the same as a Normal play
With this limited time spent playing the game it’s hard to
be too objective about its
Why is the crowd all human? It's a world of zany animals? |
quality. I certainly enjoyed it, and it’s impossible
to say that the game isn’t diverse – although this doesn’t mean the level of
fun and quality is consistent across it. For every great haunted house stage,
there is an appalling infuriating American Football level, where success
depends on you simply selecting the option ‘run’ rather than ‘pass’ and jumping
over enemies hoping luck is on your side. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, American
audiences would perhaps have loved playing their favourite sport with this
colourful cast of characters but to me this level was unfamiliar and dull. It’s
at odds with the original thinking of the other stages, where new ideas are
frequent. The back of the box boasts that with all the between level mini
games, ‘really it’s like playing 11 games in one”. This is
stretching the
phrase ‘game’ beyond reasonable definitions. Though one level when you play as
Furball (Sylvester’s mate’s hair dresser’s youngest daughter’s live in lover)
is great fun, most are throw away experiences a minute or so long and sometimes
just involving picking which order to
place characters on scales, a random bingo game or completing a very simple
sliding puzzle. If anyone bought the
game for these, they would have been disappointed. I found myself just trying
to get through them as quickly as possible to get back to the platforming fun.
The flimsy mini games though, are not the game lowest point.
That comes about 15 minutes into play at the end of the second level. Buster
has been thrust into frontier
and so the nightmare begins... |
country and after a short and fun level spent
skipping (literally) through Sunset Rider- esque locale he has to board a
train. What follows is the most frustrating, brutally hard and infuriating low
point of what is otherwise an enjoyable (though short) game. I’m sure I’m not
alone in thinking that this far too long stretch of game, filled with it’s pixel
perfect leaps of faith and off screen enemies throwing projectiles is harder than any other end of level boss combined
. To add insult to injury, not only does the screen auto-scroll but the speed
of this scroll changes depending on what it thinks you should be doing. So
unless you dash or jump and the very second it thinks you should, you will be
either pushed off the screen or caught behind an object. In the game’s defence
there is an on screen prompt (not dissimilar to modern day QTEs) but these
appear for fractions of seconds and unless you pre-empt them, by the time they
have registered with your brain its already too late. Even if you do manage to know when to dash
(because the scroll will kill you if you don’t) and when not to
(because the
scroll will kill you if you do) the imprecise way of stopping while dashing
could see you falling off a platform anyway. Getting through the stage requires
pixel perfect recollection (which surprisingly I still had even after all this
time); it’s a test of memory rather than skill. The fact this awful train
section comes so early in the game is madness. I wonder how many players
downshifted to easy mode just to skip the whole thing – even if this would have
been at the expense of playing every later boss and having to skip one level
But out of this darkness comes two things that at least were
good, a ‘Back to the Future’ joke at the end of the level and the music. Most
songs are a different interpretation of the main Tiny Toons theme, but each
also is in keeping with the level's genre. Orchestral, jaunty, memorable. As with all
Konami published games from this era alongside excellent sound comes superb graphics
throughout. Foreground and background parallax scrolling, mode 7 whizzy
effects, clean detailed well animated sprites. It really does feel like
everything has been thrown at this game to make it look and sound as nice as
"Out of control"?! That's not the words I'd use. |
It’s just a shame it’s over too quickly and I’d imagine even
those new to the game wouldn’t play it for much longer than 5 or so hours, and
that’s allowing 2 to be spent on the maddening train stage. As a child there
was no way I was ever going to dislike a Tiny Toons game especially one that
looks and sounds as nice as this one. But stripping that back, it’s hard to
suggest anyone pay too much for a copy nowadays. Of the six levels, one and a
half are awful, which is a pretty poor ratio. Do the remainder make up for it?
Possibly, but even getting to the best stages requires a player with patience
and a sense of masochism, as that train
will always be a level and a half away from pressing that start button.
How did I get this?
Much like the American Football stage, the story of
acquisition is dull and forgettable. I bought a near mint copy on eBay for
£6.74 including P&P. This works out about £3.40 per hour I spent playing.
I forgot abou that train till I read this. Was it that hard, I think I did it on my first go?